

Web Development

We offer professional internet solutions. With the division of programming services not looking for a compromise between your need and ready-made solutions on the market. We can create exactly the solution for what you need.

Website Design

Professional web de­sign with par­ti­cu­lar em­pha­sis on re­ada­bi­li­ty, er­go­no­mics and mar­ke­ting me­cha­ni­sms. All web pa­ges cre­ated by our si­de ad­apts its ap­pe­aran­ce to mo­bi­le de­vi­ces, pho­nes and ta­blets. Our we­bsi­tes al­low you to chan­ge con­tent by the client ba­sed on the CMS sys­tem.


Online Stores

We cre­ate ad­van­ced on­li­ne sto­res ba­sed on com­mer­cial, se­cu­re and pro­ven sys­tems. In ad­di­tion to the ba­sic func­tions re­la­ted to sa­les of pro­ducts, we al­so of­fer a lar­ge se­lec­tion of pay­ment sys­tems, ma­il and other sup­port func­tions. On re­qu­est, we can de­sign and cre­ate any ad­di­tio­nal func­tion or in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­tion. We al­so of­fer in­te­gra­tion of on­li­ne sto­re from an exter­nal sys­tem or da­ta so­ur­ce.


The who­le po­int of a we­bsi­te for the com­pa­ny is the acqu­isi­tion of new clients, the sen­se of an on­li­ne sto­re is to in­cre­ase sa­les. In ad­di­tion to an at­trac­ti­ve we­bsi­te or sto­re its con­tent must be easy to find by po­ten­tial client se­arch. We opti­mi­ze and im­pro­ve the qu­ali­ty of web pa­ge in terms of po­si­tio­ning in the se­arch en­gi­nes and to de­ve­lop and con­duct ad­ver­ti­sing cam­pa­igns on the Internet and so­cial ne­tworks.
