

About Us

We have many years of experience in programming, web technology and electronics. Our company resulting from the merger of experiences from different branches of programming and long-term cooperation in many projects. Our goal is to offer high quality products and services that will be implemented by really competent people.

What we can?

We de­ve­lop so­ftwa­re in ma­ny are­as of pro­gram­ming:

  • PC Windows ap­pli­ca­tions,
  • Web ap­pli­ca­tions,
  • pro­grams for mi­cro­con­trol­lers,
  • so­ftwa­re for mo­bi­le de­vi­ces,
  • da­ta­ba­se sys­tems.

In each of the bran­ches of the pro­gram­ming we ha­ve exten­si­ve know­led­ge and expe­rien­ce sup­por­ted by com­ple­ted pro­jects.

Additionaly we ana­ly­zing di­gi­tal da­ta from any elec­tro­nic de­vi­ces.

What we have experienced?

Our com­pa­ny is ma­in­ly the pas­sion of years ga­ining exten­si­ve know­led­ge and expe­rien­ce. We ha­ve exten­si­ve expe­rien­ce in de­ve­lo­ping so­ftwa­re for a va­rie­ty of mar­ket sec­tors in­c­lu­ding e-business, fi­nan­cial sys­tems, da­ta­ba­ses, GPS / GSM tech­no­lo­gy, au­to­mo­ti­ve , elec­tro­nic con­trol de­vi­ces and other uni­que de­di­ca­ted sys­tems. In ad­di­tion to the tech­no­lo­gi­cal exper­ti­se we al­so know how im­por­tant it is to ma­in­ta­in di­scre­tion in the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the ide­as of our cu­sto­mers.

How do we work?

Each pro­ject is re­ali­zed with pas­sion and gre­at com­mit­ment. Before the start we con­duct a pre­li­mi­na­ry in­te­rview with the client and ana­ly­se its ne­eds. After de­ter­mi­ning the sco­pe of the pro­ject ba­sed on our expe­rien­ce we de­fi­ne a sub­jec­ti­ve as­ses­sment of its suc­cess and pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty. Then we pro­ce­ed to fur­ther sta­ges of the pro­ject.

The pro­ject is im­ple­men­ted in se­ve­ral ge­ne­ral steps:

  1. ana­ly­sis - at this sta­ge fa­mi­lia­ri­ze our­se­lves with the prin­ci­ple of the is­su­es and pro­blems
  2. pro­ject - ma­ke a pro­ject in the form of do­cu­men­ta­tion con­ta­ining the me­thod of im­ple­men­ta­tion
  3. co­ding - cre­ate pro­gram co­de
  4. te­sts - at this sta­ge we test so­ftwa­re
  5. im­ple­men­ta­tion - in­stall, run and test the so­ftwa­re at the cu­sto­mer


Design of elec­tro­nic de­vi­ces and so­ftwa­re re­qu­ires that you ha­ve the ap­pro­pria­te to­ols and li­cen­ses. Our com­pa­ny has high-quality oscil­lo­sco­pe, ana­ly­zers and bo­ught li­cen­ses for envi­ron­ments to wri­ting so­ftwa­re and the­ir pro­tec­tion. We al­so ha­ve a lar­ge num­ber of de­ve­lop­ment bo­ards.