PC Desktop
Many years of experience in developing software for PCs gives us possibility to make simple and as well most advanced applications in any field of programming. Company realized many desktop and server applications using TCP/IP protocols, dedicated web servers, database programs including MySQL and PostgreSQL servers etc. Most programs are designed in C++, C# and .NET technology.
We create individual solutions for online systems, websites, online stores, plug-ins for WordPress and dedicated web applications on request collaborating with external systems. We work in PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX ,AngularJS, Bootstrap.

We have much experience in programming microcontrollers. Completed many projects in the field of technologies: GSM, GPS, automotive control systems, video processing signals and others. Mostly we develop software for ARM architecture and 8-bit microcontrolers like STM, Atmel and PIC Familes. We have professional software and tools for measuring and testing.
We offer professional software for mobile devices in terms of individual applications on request or client-server systems using mobile technology. Our team is familiar with Android, Windows Phone, iOS and BlackBerry operating systems.

Dedicated Systems
We offer services for the design, implementation and development of software for individual customers. We have experience in application integration with existing systems and optimization solutions in the context of programming. For many years we made projects in many areas of programming what gives us expert experience to create most advanced systems.